Policies and Procedures
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook
Parents or guardians of new students entering school must present the following information at registration:
- A certified copy of the student’s birth certificate.
- A student health card available at St. Tammany Parish Health Unit. (Shot Record)
- Three proofs of residency in the Riverside School District. (These must be utility bills in the parent’s name)
- The student’s social security card.
- A report card and a statement from the previous school that withdrawal has been completed in good standing (the student owes no fines or fees).
- A Letter of Assignment from the School Board Annex if the student is transferring from another school in St. Tammany.
The first four (4) items listed above will be necessary to register for school.
The St. Tammany Parish School System participates in the Crimestoppers Safe School Hotline program. Using the toll-free ANONYMOUS crime reporting number, 1-877-903-7867, students and other concerned citizens are able to safely report criminal activity without fear of reprisal.
All crimes can be reported anonymously. An up to $1,000 reward is paid for tips that lead to the arrest and conviction of a perpetrator(s) involved in criminal acts on school campuses within the School System. The tip lines are staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our bell rings at 8:17 a.m. Please have your child at school before the 8:17 bell. Children are tardy after the second bell at 8:20 a.m. Students will not be able to eat breakfast after the 8:20 a.m. bell. Students who are brought to school by parents or who walk should not arrive at school before 7:50 a.m.
No students may be picked up between 3:15 p.m. until dismissal at 3:31 p.m. This period of the day is very hectic and the teachers need to be concentrating on a safe dismissal. If you are in the building and wish to go past the office, you will need to check in to receive your visitor’s pass. For afternoon dismissal, please wait until the 3:31 bell (busses leave) to walk your child to the car.
**Important Policy**
We cannot accept phone calls to make transportation changes for students. If you wish to change your child’s transportation you must send a note on each occasion with your student. Please remind your child to bring this note to the office for our files. We can accept an e-mailed or faxed transportation change which must include a copy of your driver’s license. Our fax number is 985-863-9811. Please call to verify that your fax or e-mail has been received.
The State of Louisiana requires that all children from their seventh to their eighteenth birthdays must attend a public school, nonpublic day school, or must participate in an approved home study program. Any student above the compulsory attendance age who has excessive absences may be dropped from school with principal recommendation.
School attendance is imperative, not only to satisfy requirements of the law but to help ensure student achievement and success. Every missed day of school is a missed opportunity to learn. As per State policy, St. Tammany Parish Public schools are responsible for enforcing the following requirements:
- Students are expected to be in attendance every student activity day scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.
- Schools must administer attendance regulations in accordance with State and locally adopted policies.
- In order to be eligible to receive credit for courses passed, high school students may not miss more than five (5) days of excused absences, unexcused absences, and/or suspensions/expulsions per semester.
- Elementary students may not miss more than ten (10) days of unexcused absences, and/or suspensions/expulsions per year. Students in grades K-8 who miss more than three (3) hours of instructional time during the school day will be considered absent for the entire day.
- Students participating in school sponsored activities/field trips that necessitate their being away from school shall be considered to be present and shall be given the opportunity to make up work.
Types of Absences and Attendance
There are three types of absences a student may obtain: Type One: Excused; Type Two: Unexcused; and Type Three: Suspensions/Expulsions. A student who is absent, including a suspended student, shall be allowed to submit missed assignments and tests, and shall be eligible to receive the same academic credit and grades originally available when work is completed satisfactorily. The number of days allotted for make-up work is equal to the total number of consecutive school days the student was absent. After the student receives the missed assignments, the student has the same number of days to complete the work as the number of days missed.
Type One Absence: Excused
Excused absences are not considered for purposes of truancy, including absences incurred due to extenuating circumstances and will not be counted against students in determining whether a student meets attendance requirements. There is no limit to the amount of excused absences a student can incur.
The excused absences are defined in the attendance policy as the following:
- Extended personal physical or emotional illness as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended recuperation from an accident as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended contagious disease within a family in which a student is absent as verified by a dentist or physician licensed in the state.
- Quarantine due to prolonged exposure to or direct contact with a person diagnosed with a contagious, deadly disease, as ordered by state or local health officials.
- Observance of special and recognized holidays of the student’s own faith with documentation provided.
- Visitation with an immediate family member who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard of a state and such immediate family member has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting with proper documentation. These absences shall not exceed five days per school year.
- Travel for educational purposes. These absences must be approved prior to the travel with the supporting documentation submitted to the principal. Verification of the educational experience must be submitted upon return to school.
- Death in the immediate family with documentation. These absences shall not exceed five days.
- National catastrophe and/or disaster.
- A student may be absent related to the student’s mental health for up to three days in any school year, and such absences shall be excused when documentation/verification is submitted in accordance with the student handbook. The student shall be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Upon the return to school following the second day of mental health absence in any school year, the student shall be referred to the appropriate school support personnel for guidance in addressing the underlying issue, which may include referral to medical services outside of the school setting.
- Student personal illness or serious illness in the family.
- Pregnant and parenting students at a minimum of 10 days after the birth of a child as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state
Type Two: Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are any absence not meeting the requirements set forth in the excused absence definition, including but not limited to absences due to any job (including agriculture and domestic services, even in their own homes or for their own parents or tutors) unless it is part of an approved instructional program. These absences count against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements.
Type Three: Suspensions/Expulsions
Suspensions/Expulsions are absences in which a student is not in attendance in the regular instructional setting due to disciplinary actions imposed by the school. The absence is not considered for purposes of truancy unless the student was assigned to an alternative site and is not in attendance at the assigned alternative site. These absences count against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements and truancy; if the student was assigned to an alternative school, but was not in attendance.
Absences Procedures
Excuses for all absences must be presented in writing to the school principal or designee within 48 hours of the absence. The note must include the student’s full name, days of absence, reason for absence and/or doctor’s verification, parent/guardian signature and date of signature. Failure to send the note within 48 hours will result in an unexcused absence.
In elementary through junior high school, when a student accumulates their third (3), fifth (5) and tenth (10) unexcused absence, notification will be made to the parents/guardians that their child may have to make up seat time based on the number of unexcused absences accumulated. Students who have 10 or more unexcused absences will be required to make up seat time and their missing assignments in order to retain their credit.
Seat Time Recovery Requirement
Students in danger of failing due to excessive unexcused absences may be allowed to make up missed seat time held outside of the regular school day. The makeup sessions must be completed before the end of the current semester for high school students and the end of the year for elementary/junior high students.
Parents will receive notification of the State truancy policy at the beginning of the school year. Any juvenile student who is habitually absent or tardy from school will be reported as a truant child to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, the family and/or juvenile court according to the provisions of Louisiana Children’s Code regarding families in need of services. Louisiana law requires the parent or legal guardian of a truant student shall ensure that the student makes up missed school work by attending after-school tutoring sessions, weekend make-up classes, or other remediation opportunities, as determined by the school board until the student has caught up with his/her school work. The parent shall also attend meetings at the school on at least a monthly basis relative to the student’s progress until the student has caught up on his/her missed work.
Students who frequently arrive late for school lose valuable instructional time, learn unproductive work habits for the future, and create needless disruption to the school and classroom setting. The district has a policy for tardiness that is enforced to help ensure the maximum, high-quality instructional time for all students at the school. Parents are urged to support the academic success of students by requiring and assisting students to be on time for school every day.
Riverside students are expected to display good manners and kindness to others at all times. There are certain rules that have been written to protect the children. Please go over these rules with your child.
We have an acronym (BEARS) as part of our state required Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). Please discuss BEARS with your child and help him/her follow the rules.
- Be quiet in lines.
- Everyone should walk to the right of the hall.
- Always use walking feet.
- Respect teachers and each other.
- Safety first – keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
- Everyone should follow raised hand signal for quiet and be quiet in your line.
- Always leave toys and games at home.
- Respect others – keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Safety first – ask permission to use the restroom.
- Be sure to stay off of all trees and tree branches.
- Everyone should play away from the building.
- Ask for a pass to leave the playground.
- Respect others – keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Safety first – use equipment correctly.
- Be sure to stay off sidewalk, ropes and fences.
- Everyone should follow 4-Square rules.
- Ask for a pass to go inside.
- Respect others – keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Safety first – stay inside the boundaries.
- Be quiet in lines.
- Everyone should sit in front of the correct bus number.
- Ask for help if you need it.
- Respect others – keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Safety first – walk to bus.
- Be respectful to driver and others on the bus.
- Eating and/or drinking is not allowed.
- Always keep hands, arms and objects inside the bus at all times.
- Remain seated, facing the front and talk quietly when bus is in motion.
- Safety first – orderly behavior is required at the bus stop and on the bus at all times.
Riverside will be part of the Second Chance Program (In-School Suspension) provided by the St. Tammany Parish School Board. This program is designed to give counseling and educational supervision to those students with behavior reports that indicate that behavioral interventions are not working.
We expect that very few of our students will have the behavior problems that warrant this in-school suspension. We just want our parents to be informed about this program being offered for our school.
- Teachers will use Behavior Reports for Minor Incidents to document minor behaviors that can often escalate into major challenges. A copy will be sent home and to the office. These minor incident forms, also known as "white slips" will result in loss of PBIS rewards for that time period. After a child has received 4 minor incident reports, a teacher will fill out an official office referral that will be placed in the student’s records.
- Students who received an office referral for discipline problems will receive a carbon copy of the behavior form to take home.
- All behavior forms require a parent signature for documentation in the student’s behavior folder and in the school board computer system.
- Major infractions resulting in a long form, office referral can impact a student's eligibility to attend field trips within 30 days, participation in fun school-sponsored events, and in many clubs and activities for the remainder of the year.
Saturday detentions will be held for bigger infractions. Student(s) will remain on campus from 8:00-12:00. School uniforms are mandatory. Parent or guardians will be responsible for the student’s transportation. If a student does not attend an assigned Saturday Detention, a school suspension may result.
As defined by Act 861 of 2012, bullying is a pattern of one or more of the following:
- Gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces;
- Written, electronic, or verbal communications, including, but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumors;
- Electronic communication including but is not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device;
- Physical acts including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property;
- Repeatedly and purposefully shunning or excluding from activities; where the pattern of behavior is exhibited toward a student, more than once, by another student or group of students and occurs, or is received by a student while on school property, at a school-sponsored or school related function or activity, in any school bus or van, at any designated school bus stop, in any other school or private vehicle used to transport students to and from schools, or any school sponsored activity or event.
The pattern of behavior must have the effect of physically harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student’s property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student’s property, or must be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Personnel at all levels are responsible for taking corrective action to prevent bullying at any school sites or activities.
Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality and the safety of the alleged victim and/or any individual(s) who report incident(s) of bullying. An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time. Retaliation is defined as meaning "to pay back (an injury) in kind". When a person is accused of having behaved in an inappropriate fashion, especially bullying, the common reaction of that person is to be angry and want to pay the "alleged victim" back (retaliate). Retaliation must not occur and will not be tolerated.
Proven allegations of bullying can have serious consequences for the person deemed guilty, including verbal or written reprimand, in-school or out-of-school suspension, disciplinary reassignment, and/or expulsion.
Victims of bullying have responsibilities. Victims should clearly tell the bullies to stop. If bullying persists, victims should not ignore the incident(s) but should report immediately the incident to someone at school. Students should tell their parent(s). If the bullying continues after having clearly told the bullies to stop, students should make a written record of the incident including dates, times, witness or witnesses, and parties involved in the incident. The incident should be reported immediately to an adult who has authority over the bullies, for example, a teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal, or principal. Victims should avoid being alone with the person(s) who attempted to bully them in the past. Victims of bullying who feel uncomfortable reporting this fact to adult personnel at school should contact another appropriate adult or friend who will report on their behalf.
To minimize the risk of being accused of bullying, students should keep their hands to themselves, remember that no one has the right to harm another person in any way, think before speaking, immediately apologize for accidentally saying or doing anything that has made another person feel oppressed, and report all incidents of bullying behavior they have witnessed to appropriate school personnel. Students should not touch anyone without his or her permission. Students should not interact with a person after that person has perceived their behavior toward them as "inappropriate" and has clearly told them to "stop". Nor should they make remarks that may cause another person to feel "oppressed" (stressful, scared, intimidated). Parents who want to file a bullying report on behalf of their student should speak with administration to file the report and receive the necessary paperwork.
Students being brought to school may not be dropped off before 7:50 a.m. and then should only be dropped off at the car pick up area on the side of the gym. DO NOT DROP STUDENTS OFF IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. If the 8:20 a.m. bell has rung and car line is closed, a parent must sign the student in on their emergency card located in the office, they will be marked tardy.
In the afternoon, all car riders will be picked up in the car pick up area. Please have a large sign on the dashboard with your child’s name which is provided by the school. We are asking that you inform your children that they must have a note to ride home with anyone other than their parents. This is important for their safety and security. PLEASE help keep our children safe.
All students must be picked up no later than 3:45. Children not picked up by 3:45 in the car turnaround area will be sent to the office. After 3:45, parents must go to the office to pick up their child and sign them out on their emergency card.
The student is governed by the Student Use of Instructional Technology Policy which can be found on www.stpsb.org under Policies.
The St. Tammany Parish School Board desires to promote an environment that is conducive to instruction and learning. Wireless devices used by students to communicate with others inhibit the creation of such an environment and is disruptive to the learning process. The Board also desires to protect students' personal privacy, while on school property and at school events. The emergence of camera wireless device technology has created a new set of privacy and data protection challenges for school officials. Thus, the use of any type of photographic equipment to tape images or sound recordings that are in violation of law or otherwise invade the privacy of other individuals is prohibited and will result in discipline according to policy. Any exception to the prohibition of wireless devices requires the advance permission of the school principal. This prohibition shall be strictly construed in favor of protecting the privacy of all individuals.
Under this policy, the term "wireless devices" includes, but is not limited to, cellular phones (whether analog or digital), smart watch, camera phones, beepers, pagers, text messaging devices and PDA's that are used as telecommunication devices or to transmit text messages, as well as any other wireless electronic telecommunication devices.
Students shall be allowed to possess an electronic communication device on a school campus during the instructional day or on the bus to and from school provided the device is turned to the off position, completely stowed away, and not in use. Stowing of electronic communication devices is defined as being placed in the student’s locker, school bag or purse and shall not be displayed in view using any type of clip or other device. Electronic communication devices cannot be stowed in a pocket. If a student is found using an electronic communication device, displaying an electronic telecommunication device, or in possession of an electronic communication device on their person during the instructional day or on the school bus, the disciplinary procedures as outlined in the District Handbook for Students and Parents shall be utilized as a consequence. The Superintendent or his/her designee may authorize exceptions to this policy on an individual, case by case basis. Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the emergency use of electronic telecommunication devices by any student or person. Emergency shall mean an actual or imminent threat to public health or safety which may result in loss of life or injury. Use or operation of an electronic communication device shall mean the device is either visible or turned to the on position for receiving or transmitting signals. Possession and/or use of other electronic devices by students shall be prohibited unless authorized by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The School System will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
Any student found using an electronic communication device, displaying an electronic telecommunication device, or in possession of a ringing electronic communication device during the instructional day, may have the electronic communication device confiscated by the principal/designee and have disciplinary consequences. The parent/guardian will be required to retrieve the electronic communication device from the school principal/designee.
Please see the Chromebook guidelines and user agreements that were sent home at the beginning of the year. It is recommended that each student purchase the Chromebook insurance. Chromebooks go home with students in 4th and 5th grade on a daily basis. These must be fully charged at home for use the next day at school. Students habitually coming to school without their Chromebook charged and ready for school may be given a white slip. Grades 1, 2, & 3 will only be sent home in cases of emergencies, as determined by the administration.
Each teacher will be sending home a Parent and Student Information Letter/Grading Policy sometime during the first full week of school. Please read this letter with your child so that everyone will be informed about what is expected. A copy of the classroom rules and consequences will also be included. A supply list will be furnished or can be found on the Riverside Website, please make sure that you replenish your child’s school supplies throughout the school year.
Riverside Elementary has adopted a uniform policy which will be found under that heading. On such days that the uniform is not required, we adhere to the following STPSB student dress code policy.
The following requirements apply to appropriate grooming and dress for male students.
- An acceptable, well-groomed haircut will be required of all male students.
- Hair - Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or excessively teased, etc. will not be permitted. The prohibition on sculptured hair styles does not prohibit natural, protective, or cultural hairstyles, as defined by the Louisiana State Legislature. "Natural, protective, or cultural hairstyle: shall include, but is not limited to: afros, dreadlocks, twists, braids, cornrow braids, Bantu knots, curls, and hair styled to protect hair texture or for cultural significance.
- Boys are required to wear clothing that is suitable for school and that complies with the following regulation:
- Shirts must be buttoned, except for the collar button. Tank shirts and undershirts may not be worn as outer garments.
- Any article of clothing with suggestive symbols, words, or advertisements of products or substances prohibited by the St. Tammany Parish School Board is prohibited.
- No see-through or sheer shirts are permitted, and no skin may show between the pants and shirt in any position.
- All caps, hats, and bandannas are banned from school campuses during regular school hours.
- Walking shorts may be worn as long as they meet the length requirement. While standing erect with arms extended down, the length of shorts must come to the tip of fingers or below or not more than 5” above the knee.
- Lower garments worn by students must be secured at waist level, with no undergarments revealed.
- Hoods are not to be worn on campus during regular school hours except outdoors in inclement weather.
- Students are required to wear student school I.D.'s visible above the waist during regular school hours.
- Cut-off clothing of any kind is not permitted.
Student Dress Code for Females
The following requirements apply to appropriate grooming and dress for female students.
- Hair - sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or excessively teased, etc., will not be permitted. The prohibition on sculptured hair styles does not prohibit natural, protective, or cultural hairstyles, as defined by the Louisiana State Legislature. "Natural, protective, or cultural hairstyle: shall include, but is not limited to: afros, dreadlocks, twists, braids, cornrow braids, Bantu knots, curls, and hair styled to protect hair texture or for cultural significance.
- Girls are required to wear clothing that is suitable for school and that complies with the following regulations:
- No see-through, sheer shirts, or lace-like clothing are permitted, and no skin may show between the lower garment and shirt in any position.
- Culottes, split skirts, and walking shorts are acceptable providing they meet the dress length requirement stipulated below.
- All caps, hats, and bandannas are banned from school campuses during regular school hours.
- Any article of clothing with suggestive symbols, words, or advertisements of products or substances prohibited by the St. Tammany Parish School Board is prohibited.
- Tank shirts and undershirts may not be worn as outer garments.
- Lower garments worn by students must be secured at waist level, with no undergarments revealed.
- The minimum length of dresses, culottes, skirts, and shorts must be at the fingertip or below when standing erect with arms extended down the sides or not more than 5" above the knee.
- Hoods are not to be worn on campus during regular school hours except outdoors in inclement weather.
- Students are required to wear student school I.D.'s visible above the waist during regular school hours.
- Cut-off clothing of any kind is not permitted.
Field trips are used as an excellent educational experience. Your child might have 1 to 2 field trips per year depending on their grade level. Due to field trips taking place off campus, students must have good behavior to attend, and may be denied attendance if they have received a Major Behavior form (long form) within 30 days of the upcoming field trip. Teachers will select parent volunteers to chaperone trips. Only children enrolled in the classes attending the field trip may participate, please do not bring siblings. Only parents (custodial) or legal guardians will be considered as chaperones for field trips. A parent or legal guardian may write a letter allowing someone on the child’s emergency card attend in their place. Students and chaperones are encouraged to purchase a bag lunch from the Riverside cafeteria to uncomplicate the need for ice chests and thermal bags. Chaperones must check-in at the front office and drive their personal vehicle to the field trip location. No parents will be allowed on the bus. See chaperone letter for further details.
Riverside provides a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily that is available to all students, free of charge. Both of these meal programs provide the required USDA Gold Standards of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins and dairy products to provide a well-balanced breakfast and lunch for all students.
Breakfast is served from 7:50-8:20 a.m. Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. will not be able to eat breakfast, as their school day starts promptly at 8:20 a.m. Students eating breakfast should arrive no later than 8:10am. Just a reminder, only the school breakfast may be eaten in the cafeteria. No outside fast food is allowed in the cafeteria.
Our school has an online payment processing system, MyPaymentsPlus, for the convenience of parents for a variety of school fees related to school snack and lunch, supplies, field trips, and other extra curricular expenses. We encourage the use of this system and request that all payments be made through MyPaymentsPlus rather than cash or check.
Parents may log on to the online pay service on our School System web site at www.stpsb.org and pay designated fees using e-check or MasterCard, Visa, or Discover cards. Parents will not be charged a user fee for this service and all school fees charged to parents will be the same whether paid online or at the school through checks and cash. The payments can be made online by parents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you want to make payments or would like more information about the online payment system, please go to our School System web site and follow the link from the home page to access details and to use the payment feature. Please contact the school office if you need further information or to report any problems.
Students bringing their lunch from home may purchase milk for an additional 50¢ charge. Federal regulations prohibit a student from bringing cans or bottles of drink into the cafeteria. Outside fast food may not be brought into or eaten in the school cafeteria.
Please read it carefully. STPPS updates this policy regularly given stakeholder input. You can find the full policy at STPSB.org, Pupil Progression Plan.
*NEW* Grading Scale for Regular Courses |
Grade |
Percentage |
A |
100-90 |
B |
89-80 |
C |
79-70 |
D |
69-60 |
F |
59-0 |
First Grade Promotion Requirements
If a student in first grade receives an “F” (Unsatisfactory/Not grasping stated standards) in reading or math as indicated on the fourth grading period, the School Building Level Committee (SBLC) shall review available data pertaining to the student’s reading or math proficiency to determine promotion or retention. The reading or math proficiency of the student shall be determined by using the informal teacher assessment portfolio which includes a collection of the following: DIBELS assessment results three times per year, writing sample, word recognition test, reading series assessments, math sample, spelling assessment, and any other pertinent information. A variety of assessments shall be included, i.e. portfolios, journals, written tests, projects, checklists, writing samples, interviews, observations and anecdotal records.
Second Grade Promotion Requirements
In order to be promoted at the end of 2nd grade, a student shall pass the following: Reading and Math and Any two of these subjects: Language Arts, Science, and/or Social Studies.
Third Grade Promotion Requirements
In order to be promoted at the end of 3rd grade, a student shall pass the following: English Language Arts and Math and One of these subjects: Science or Social Studies
NOTE: Students with characteristics of dyslexia, who are served in a multisensory structured language program, follow the same criteria for promotion as all other students.
NOTE: Students shall have participated in the state mandated assessments, if enrolled at the time of the assessments.
NOTE: Pursuant to Bulletin 741, §1103.G, elementary students shall be in attendance a minimum of 60,120 minutes (equivalent to 167 six-hour days) a school year.
NOTE: Students who have failed a subject may enroll in summer school to remove a deficiency and be considered for promotion to the next grade. However, an elementary student may request to enroll in a class to strengthen knowledge and skills in which a need has been recognized. A student is allowed to enroll in only one course for a fee. The school system reserves the right to cancel any class in which there is insufficient student enrollment for a course. The summer school grade shall not replace the grade earned during the regular school year.
Fourth Grade Promotion Requirements
In order to be promoted at the end of 4th grade, a student shall pass the following: English Language Arts and Math and One of these subjects: Science or Social Studies
NOTE: Students with characteristics of dyslexia, who are served in a multisensory structured language program, follow the same criteria for promotion as all other students.
NOTE: Students shall have participated in the state mandated assessments, if enrolled at the time of the assessments.
NOTE: Pursuant to Bulletin 741, §1103.G, elementary students shall be in attendance a minimum of 60,120 minutes (equivalent to 167 six-hour days) a school year.
NOTE: Students who have failed a subject may enroll in summer school to remove a deficiency and be considered for promotion to the next grade. However, an elementary student may request to enroll in a class to strengthen knowledge and skills in which a need has been recognized. A student is allowed to enroll in only one course for a fee. The school system reserves the right to cancel any class in which there is insufficient student enrollment for a course. The summer school grade shall not replace the grade earned during the regular school year..
Fifth Grade Promotion Requirements
In order to be promoted at the end of 5th grade, a student shall pass the following: English Language Arts and Math and One of these subjects: Science or Social Studies
Act 422: Third Grade Mandatory Retention
Retention will be considered for a student scoring at the lowest level (well below) on the state end-of-year literacy screener (DIBELS 8.0) as follows:
• The student shall be provided two additional opportunities to score a higher achievement level on the literacy screener prior to the beginning of the subsequent academic year.
• Any student still scoring at the lowest achievement level after three attempts shall be screened for dyslexia.
• Such a student shall be retained in the third grade unless he/she is found to meet at least one of the good cause exemptions in Bulletin 1566, §701.
• Promotion on the basis of good cause exemption is subject to the consent of the parent, principal, and superintendent.
A student who does not meet the literacy criteria for promotion may be promoted to the fourth grade if the student meets at least one of the following conditions:
• Limited English Proficient student enrolled in English Language Assistance for fewer than two years.
• Student’s IEP indicates the screener is not appropriate due to disability.
• Student with IEP or 504 plan has received documented Intensive Reading Intervention for two years prior.
• Student with IEP or 504 plan was previously retained in K, 1st or 2nd grade.
• Student without an IEP or 504 plan has received documented Intensive Reading Intervention for two years prior and was previously retained for a total of two years in K, 1st or 2nd grade.
• Student has been diagnosed with dyslexia.
• Student scored Mastery on the ELA section of the LEAP 2025.
Grading Policy - Grade 1
The First Grade Student Evaluation Report will reflect student progress towards mastery of course content standards in all subject areas in that grade. Student work and assessments shall be accumulated and shared with parents during parent conferences. The evaluation key to be used on the First Grade Student Evaluation Report Card is as follows:
Grade Level: Grade 1 |
Report by Letter Grade: A, B, C, D, or F Reading Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies |
Report by Letter Grade: O, S, N, and U Conduct Art Health and Physical Education Music |
(Only letter grades shall be recorded in the grade book and on the report card.)
o - Outstanding/Meets or exceeds stated goals
S - Satisfactory/Meets stated goals
N -Needs Support/Progressing toward stated goals
U - Unsatisfactory/Not grasping stated goals
There shall be a minimum of SIX assessments for each student in Reading, Language Arts, and Math and a minimum of five assessments for each student in Science and five in Social Studies during the grading period. Due to unusual circumstances, such as testing, some grading periods may be shortened or lengthened. In this case, the number of assessments shall be a minimum of the number of weeks during that grading period.
Assessment is an integral part of the educational process to improve student learning. The primary purpose of assessment, both formative and summative, is to plan for instruction and measure the degree of student mastery of established standards.
Summative assessments are assessments of learning and should take place after the learning has taken place. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of instruction. Summative grades are typically graded for correctness. Examples of summative grades include quizzes, chapter tests, other tests, essays, labs, research papers, presentations, and projects.
The letter grades (A=4, 8=3, C=2, 0=1, and F=O) for each grading period shall be averaged and recorded on the report card. There will be no overall end-of-the-year final grade recorded on the report card. Conduct shall be considered separately and denoted accordingly on the report card. There shall be no Honor Roll.
Grading Policy - Grade 2
The Second Grade Student Evaluation Reports will reflect student progress towards mastery of course content standards in all subject areas in that grade. Student work shall be accumulated and shared with parents. The evaluation key to be used on the Second Grade Student Evaluation Report Card is as follows:
Grade Levels: Grade 2 |
Report by Letter Grade: A, B, C, D, or F Reading Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies |
Report by Letter Grade: 0, S, N, and U Conduct Work Habits Conduct and work habits shall not affect the quarterly or final grade point average. O-Outstanding S- Satisfactory N - Needs Support U -Unsatisfactory |
(Only letter grades shall be recorded in the grade book and on the report card.)
There shall be a minimum of SIX assessments for each student in Reading, Language Arts, and Math and a minimum of five assessments for each student in Science and in Social Studies. There shall be a minimum of one overall grade in Art, Health and Physical Education, and Music assigned to reflect student involvement and the natural progression of learning each nine week grading period. Due to unusual circumstances, such as testing, some grading periods may be shortened or lengthened. In this case, the number of assessments shall be a minimum of the number of weeks during that grading period.
The letter grades (A=4, 8=3, C=2, 0=1, and F=O) for each grading period shall be averaged for the end-of-the-year final grade and recorded on the report card.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Averages of .5 - .9 shall be rounded up to the next highest numeral; however, in order for a student to pass a subject, he/she must have at least a 1.00. Any average less than 1.0 shall receive an "F" for the end-of-the-year letter grade. There shall be no Honor Roll.
Grading Policy – Grade 3
The third Grade Student Evaluation Reports will reflect student progress towards mastery of course content standards in all subject areas in that grade. Student work shall be accumulated and shared with parents. The evaluation key to be used on the Third Grade Student Evaluation Report Card is as follows:
Grade Levels: Grade 3 |
Report by Letter Grade: A, B, C, D, or F Reading Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies |
Report by Letter Grade: 0, S, N, and U Conduct Work Habits Conduct and work habits shall not affect the quarterly or final grade point average. O-Outstanding S- Satisfactory N - Needs Support U -Unsatisfactory |
(Only letter grades shall be recorded in the grade book and on the report card.)
There shall be a minimum of NINE assessments for each student in Reading, Language Arts, and Math and a minimum of SIX assessments for each student in Science and in Social Studies. There shall be a minimum of one overall grade in Art, Health and Physical Education, and Music assigned to reflect student involvement and the natural progression of learning each nine week grading period. Due to unusual circumstances, such as testing, some grading periods may be shortened or lengthened. In this case, the number of assessments shall be a minimum of the number of weeks during that grading period.
The letter grades (A=4, 8=3, C=2, 0=1, and F=O) for each grading period shall be averaged for the end-of-the-year final grade and recorded on the report card.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Averages of .5 - .9 shall be rounded up to the next highest numeral; however, in order for a student to pass a subject, he/she must have at least a 1.00. Any average less than 1.0 shall receive an "F" for the end-of-the-year letter grade. There shall be no Honor Roll.
Grading Policy – Grades 4-6
The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades Student Evaluation Reports will reflect student progress towards mastery of course content standards in all subject areas in that grade. The evaluation key to be used on the Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, and Sixth Grade Student Evaluation Report Card is as follows:
Grade Levels: Grade 4, Grade 5, and Grade 6
Report by Letter Grade: A, B, C, D, or F English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies 6th grade electives that are taught 50 minutes per day during the entire school year |
Report by Letter Grade: 0, S, N, and U Art Foreign Language Handwriting Health and Physical Education Music Conduct These subjects shall not affect the quarterly or final grade point average.
O-Outstanding S- Satisfactory N - Needs Support U -Unsatisfactory
(Only letter grades shall be recorded in the grade book and on the report card.)
There shall be a minimum of nine assessments for each student during the quarterly grading period. Due to unusual circumstances, such as testing, some grading periods may be shortened or lengthened In this case, the number of assessments shall be a minimum of the number of weeks during that grading period. No assessment shall count for more than 1/9 of the quarterly grade or a fractional equivalent of the shortened or lengthened grading period. When a grade of "U" occurs on a report card, a parent conference shall be requested. The degree to which homework will play a part in the overall grade shall not exceed 1/9 of the total grade or fractional equivalent of the shortened or lengthened grading period.
Assessment is an integral part of the educational process to improve student learning. The primary purpose of assessment, both formative and summative, is to plan for instruction and measure the degree of student mastery of established standards.
Summative assessments are assessments of learning and should take place after the learning has taken place. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of instruction. Summative grades are typically graded for correctness. Examples of summative grades include quizzes, chapter tests, other tests, essays, labs, research papers, presentations, and projects.
Role of the School
The St. Tammany Parish School Board and its employees in the St. Tammany Parish Public School System are charged with providing high-quality educational opportunities for the students of this parish. The System daily works to address the varied educational needs of students and to provide a safe, productive school environment for learning. Educators and System administrators know that these goals are best accomplished with the cooperation and support of students and their families.
Maintaining open, constructive communication between school and home in a climate of mutual respect is vital to meeting the needs of the students in this School System. School officials will work closely with students and their families to promote student success.
Role of the Student
Students learn best when they set high goals for themselves, work hard to achieve those goals, and conduct themselves responsibly in their school work and actions. Students need to adopt these practices to help ensure their success.
· Attend all classes daily.
· Be punctual.
· Be prepared for class with appropriate working materials and completed homework.
· Be respectful to all individuals and property.
· Be clean and neat.
· Be responsible for their own work.
· Abide by the rules and regulations of the school and School System.
· Maintain a positive attitude.
· Conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner.
Role of the Home
Most agree that the children's first and best teachers are their parents. The School System recognizes that student achievement is impacted greatly by the level of parent participation in a student's education. The value of a strong partnership between school and home is immeasurable, but sure, and parents or guardians are asked to adopt these basic practices to help school personnel work with students.
· Maintain regular communications with school teachers and school officials concerning their children's progress and conduct.
· Ensure their children are in school, on time, every day.
· Promptly report and explain to school officials any absence or tardiness.
· Assist and require children to be neat and clean.
· Notify school officials of any problem or condition that affects their children or others at school.
· Discuss report cards and school assignments with children.
· Assist children in assuming responsibilities at school.
· Maintain for school officials up-to-date home, work, emergency telephone numbers, emails and all other emergency and health information throughout the school year.
· Send children to school ready to learn.
· Students shall arrive to school no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start bell and depart from school no later than 30 minutes after the dismissal bell each day.
As always, we are asking that you fill out the student information/emergency card and return it promptly. These cards are very important, so please list any and all emergency numbers and the names of those that may pick your child up in case of emergency (illness, change of clothes, etc.) Please update these cards when pertinent information changes during the year.
These cards are also used to sign your child into school if they are tardy and to sign your child out of school if you take them home early.
Please label all sweaters, coats, book bags, and other belongings that may be lost at school. Please do not allow children to bring personal items of value to school. Lost coats, etc. can be found in the gym. Glasses, watches, rings, etc. are turned into the office. Please check in with the office for a visitor pass before proceeding to the lost and found.
Riverside will sponsor a Meet and Greet time in August each year. This is a special event to allow you and your child a time to meet his/her teacher. You may also fill out your student’s information packet and drop off your child’s school supplies that day. This is not the time for individual parent/teacher conferences. A conference should be scheduled for a later date if you need to meet with the teacher to discuss your individual student's needs.
The Louisiana Legislature enacted Act 87 relative to the administration of medication in schools. This Act covers all prescription and non-prescription drugs. In accordance with Act 87, the St. Tammany Parish School Board has formulated guidelines to be used when a child must receive medication during school hours. No medication shall be administered to, or self-administered by, any student without an order from a Louisiana or adjacent state’s licensed physician or dentist and authorization from the student’s parent or guardian.
If your child needs medication in school, please see the office for a medication form to be filled out by you and your child’s doctor. Please DO NOT send any medication, prescription or non-prescription, with your child to school.
Our P.T.A. publishes a monthly newsletter. This newsletter comes out the last school day of each month. Please consider volunteering to help with the newsletter. Refer to this important informational letter throughout the year for Riverside news. If you would like to place a corporate ad in the newsletter, please fill out a corporate membership envelope to join Riverside Bears PTA.
Our school will utilize an online payment processing system, MyPaymentsPlus, for the convenience of parents for all payments for a variety of school fees related to school lunch, supplies, field trips, and other extra curricular expenses. Cash or check payments are not accepted. Please see the front office if you have any questions or need any help with this.
Parents may log on to the online pay service on our School System web site at www.stpsb.org and pay designated fees using e-check or MasterCard, Visa, or Discover cards. Parents will not be charged a user fee for this service and all school fees charged to parents will be the same whether paid online or at the school through checks and cash. The payments can be made online by parents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you want to make payments or would like more information about the online payment system, please go to our School System web site and follow the link from the home page to access details and to use the payment feature. Please contact the school office if you need further information or to report any problems.
At Riverside we have one night for Open House early in the school year. Check your first newsletter for the dates. We will also have our annual fall book fair in the library. We will be looking forward to seeing all of our parents and friends again.
Leader in Me is an evidence-based, comprehensive model that builds leadership and life skills in students, creates a high-trust school culture, and lays the foundation for sustained academic achievement. The mission of Leader in Me is to unleash the greatness in students, educators, and school communities everywhere. Through the Leader in Me process we will ensure our students receive positive behavior support and interventions throughout their educational journey. Leader in Me is the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program in STPPS.
To reach our goal, we ask that at least one family member join the PTA for each student. This membership means that you support your students, teachers, and school. We need friends, parents, and grandparents to join PTA. The PTA will be sponsoring several interesting activities for our kids this year, so please, join PTA and grow with us. A big "THANK YOU" to our PTA board for such a good start to this year. Look for PTA nights at local restaurants in our monthly newsletter. Be sure to attend monthly PTA meetings.
Mandated Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting Program
As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting. All material that will be used in the instruction may be previewed. If you would like to do so, please contact the school administration. We would also like to encourage you to talk with your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues.
Remember that all St. Tammany Parish Schools and grounds are SMOKE/TOBACCO FREE, VAPE, ALCOHOL AND DRUG FREE AREAS, so please help us with this important task.
The Standardized State Testing will be administered in third, fourth, and fifth grades, during the months of April and May. Please check with your child’s teacher for dates and times for testing. It is with great importance to know these dates before scheduling doctor’s appointments or other absences. Students cannot be checked out or leave the testing environment once the test has begun.
We hate to lose any of our students, but if they must go, contact one of our secretaries at least two (2) days before moving. She will fill out a withdrawal form and take the necessary steps in order for your child to be transferred. Transfer papers will be provided for you to take to your child’s new school.
Riverside has an automated phone system. The phone lines will be open to the main office 7:30am-4:30pm during the school day. When the online message begins, please press 0 to speak to a secretary.
Riverside participates as a school wide Title I school. A copy of Riverside's Title I School/Parent Involvement Compact/Policy is sent home at the beginning of each year and available at all times in the office.
TOPS: Red polo style short sleeved or long sleeved shirt or plain red long sleeved sweatshirt or sweater- all of which may have the optional school logo and may be purchased at local department stores or uniform supply stores. Logos are optional.
BOTTOMS: Navy or khaki plain cotton-twill uniform style pants, walking shorts, skorts, capris, or jumpers which may be purchased through local department stores or uniform supply stores.
UNIFORM RECYCLING PROGRAM: We have a uniform recycling program available to you that is organized and administered by our PTA volunteers. Donations to the swap shop are encouraged.
SPIRIT SHIRTS: Our PTA sells Spirit Shirts throughout the year. These shirts may be worn by students. Uniform bottoms are still required. Riverside Elementary sweatshirts and hoodies are also sold by the PTA at the beginning of the year. Although jackets are not specified as to brand/type or style, jackets depicting other schools or excessively large in size are not to be worn at Riverside over the uniform.
We believe in order to achieve our mission we must –
- Provide engaging standards-based lessons
- Create a positive environment where students thrive
- Create a cooperative culture of planning and learning
- Support the individual needs of all
- Monitor student progress in all areas
- Form and maintain strong partnerships with all stakeholders
The St. Tammany Parish School Board has recently adopted a policy pertaining to school visitors. It is as follows:
- Visitors are only allowed on campus for school related business.
- No person shall be allowed on school grounds without permission from the front office.
- All visitors shall report to the front office immediately upon arrival to be issued a badge pass. A valid driver’s license must be presented.
- All visitors shall receive an “official badge pass” that must be worn while on campus.
- Cafeteria Passes – all visitors wishing to visit the cafeteria will be asked to remain in the cafeteria with their child or children attending Riverside, and are not to enter other areas of the building. Visitors cannot go to recess with their child.
- Visitors having lunch with their child must be on the emergency card and can only have lunch with their own child. A special table has been provided in the cafeteria for this purpose.
- All visitors shall return the “official badge pass” to the office upon completion of business.
- All visitors shall depart immediately from school grounds upon completion of business.
We encourage volunteers on campus. Please get with your child’s teacher or a member of the PTA for volunteer opportunities.
Students are encouraged to bring clear, plastic water bottles. Water is the only beverage allowed to be consumed around the school campus, except for during lunch periods. Please see Food Services section for more information concerning lunch.
Students found using, possessing and/or concealing a knife, a firearm, a weapon which may discharge a projectile, or other dangerous instruments which may cause bodily harm shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. Police notification shall be made immediately. Students using, possessing and/or concealing any look-alike object that may have the appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument shall be immediately suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. IN THE CASE OF A STUDENT IN PRESCHOOL THROUGH GRADE THREE WHO IS FOUND CARRYING OR POSSESSING A KNIFE, THE PRINCIPAL MAY, BUT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO, RECOMMEND THE STUDENT'S EXPULSION. UPON THE RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION, A HEARING SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, OR HIS DESIGNEE. UPON THE CONCLUSION OF THE HEARING, THE SUPERINTENDENT, OR HIS DESIGNEE, SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER THE STUDENT SHALL BE EXPELLED FROM THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OR IF OTHER CURRECTIVE OR DISCIPLINARY ACTION SHALL BE TAKEN. Students in grade six or higher who have been found guilty of using, possessing and/or concealing a weapon which may discharge a projectile, including a firearm, on school property, on a school bus, or in actual possession at a school sponsored event, pursuant to a hearing, shall be expelled for a minimum period of twelve (12) calendar months and shall be referred to the district attorney for appropriate action. Students in kindergarten through grade five found guilty of being in possession of a firearm on school property, on a school bus, or in actual possession at a school sponsored event, pursuant to a hearing, shall be expelled for a minimum period of twelve (12) calendar months and shall be referred to the district attorney for appropriate action. STUDENTS IN KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE FIVE FOUND GUILTY OF BEING IN POSSESSION OF A FIREARM ON SCHOOL PROPERTY, ON A SCHOOL BUS, OR IN ACTUAL POSSESSION AT A SCHOOL-SPONSORED EVENT, PURSUANT TO A HEARING, SHALL BE EXPELLED FOR A MINIMUM PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) CALENDAR MONTHS AND SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR APPROPRIATE ACTION. NO STUDENT WHO HAS BEEN EXPELLED FOR POSSESSION OF A WEAPON SHALL BE READMITTED TO ANY SCHOOL UNTIL THE STUDENT HAS ENROLLED AND PARTICIPATED IN AN APPROPRIATE REHABILITATION OR COUNSELING PROGRAM RELATED TO THE REASON, OR REASONS, FOR THE STUDENT'S EXPULSION.
*A firearm means any pistol, revolver, shotgun, machine gun, submachine gun, black powder weapon, or assault rifle that is designated to fire or is capable of firing fixed cartridge ammunition or from which a shot or projectile is discharged by an explosive.
Please visit the Riverside Elementary School Website on a regular basis at http://riversideelementary.stpsb.org to stay current with school events. Other websites you will find beneficial are the St. Tammany Parish School Board at http://www.stpsb.org and the Louisiana State Department at http://www.doe.state.la.us . These also can provide you with valuable information. http://homeworkla.org/- State Library of Louisiana: free online tutoring, test preparation, job search assistance and resources. https://www.sttammanylibrary.org/- St. Tammany Parish Library.
The St. Tammany Parish School Board is committed to providing a safe and stable climate free from sexual harassment by students, Board Members, Superintendent, administrators, teachers, and other employees who contract with or provide services for the Board or any other personnel associated with the Board and over whom the Board can exercise influence.
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in any of the combinations set forth in Section I - D above, where:
- acceptance or rejection of a sexual invitation is used as the basis for employment, grading, disciplinary, honorary, participatory or similar decisions; and/or
- sexual advances or requests for sexual favors have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or school environment.
If the introduction of sexual innuendo, sexual jokes, or other activity of a sexual nature into a relationship with a person associated with the Board or School System is not welcomed; the matter may be handled initially by the claimant telling the offender that the conduct is unwelcome. If the claimant does not desire to approach the offender directly, then the claimant should report the matter following the outlined complaint process.
If the person introducing sexual innuendo, sexual jokes, or other activity of a sexual nature does not reasonably accept the notice that the conduct is unwelcome, the claimant immediately should report both the incident and the lack of response to the claimant's notice that the incident is unwelcome.
If an employee is involved either as a claimant or alleged harasser, it is preferred that the report be made to one of the individuals listed on the bulletin board. School site and department superiors receiving complaints of sexual harassment involving an employee shall immediately report the complaint to one of the individuals identified to receive the complaints for further action. If the incident involves student-to-student harassment, it is preferred that the report be made to the school principal or designee. The school principal shall notify the Titles VII and IX Coordinator that a complaint involving students has been made. The claimant should make a written note and keep it for safekeeping as to whom and when the complaint was made.
The person receiving the complaint shall take all of the information pertaining to the complaint and contact the claimant within five (5) working days. If the person receiving the complaint attempts to change the claimant's mind about following through with the complaint, these facts should be reported to the Titles VII and IX Coordinator. The name of the coordinator can be obtained by calling 892-2276 or 646-4900.
If the report of sexual harassment is not acted upon within a reasonable period of time by the person to whom the incident was initially reported; the claimant shall again contact the individual to determine what has transpired since the report. If the claimant is not satisfied with the response, he/she shall report the complaint and the actions of the actions of the initial receiver to the Titles VII and IX Coordinator or the Superintendent.
If the alleged harasser accosts or confronts the claimant concerning the fact that a complaint was made, the claimant should report this fact to the person to whom the initial complaint was made. Such action on the part of the alleged harasser shall be considered a violation of this policy.
Persons designated by the Superintendent to investigate complaints of sexual harassment shall do so expeditiously, thoroughly, and professionally. School site administrators shall take action in cases of student-to-student harassment based on the findings and consistent with the student discipline code. A copy of the report of findings shall be forwarded to the Titles VII and IX Coordinator. Persons designated to handle complaints involving employees shall forward results of the investigations to the Titles VII and IX Coordinator and the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall review the findings of the investigation and render a decision, consistent with legal requirements, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the results of the investigation.
Confidentiality as to the claimant and the nature of the complaint shall be maintained, consistent with the needs of the investigation into the complaint. Information concerning the complaint, the claimant, and the results or progress of the investigation will be on a need-to-know basis, only by those assigned duties to receive complaints, those who investigate them, and those interviewed.
The procedure provided for in the Board's grievance procedure, the collective bargaining agreement, and other procedures provided for by law shall be compiled with according to the status of the claimant and alleged harasser in each individual situation. Information concerning the procedures may be obtained from the Titles VII and IX Coordinator.
A substantiated charge against an employee in the School System shall subject that employee to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
A substantiated charge against a student in the School System shall subject that student to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion, consistent with the student discipline code.
Notice of this policy will be circulated to all schools and departments of the St. Tammany Parish Public School System and referenced in teacher and student handbooks. Training sessions on this policy and the prevention of sexual harassment shall be held in all schools on an annual basis. Training sessions for new non-teaching employees shall be conducted annually.